
An Inventory of the Books of John Gresshop

  • Date: 23 February 1580
  • Register Ref: KHLC PRC/21/4, ff.169-175 1

The inventory was taken in 1580 when Marlowe was still a pupil at the King's School and included an extensive list of over 350 volumes in the upper and lower studies of headmaster John Gresshop just after his death. Some annotations have been added here identifying authors where they are not explicitly included in the inventory. Links are provided where possible to an online digitised version of each book (mostly via Google Books) and/or an English textual transcription where appropriate (via Early English Books Online [EEBO]) in a somewhat loose attempt at a virtual recreation of Gresshop's library. Links to information about each author are also provided.

Key to Annotations:

[An annotated note added here that is not in the original manuscript, including in some cases identification of the author not mentioned in the original inventory.]

[]: A separator inserted here only to distinguish separate links, not in the original inventory.

Date of publication e.g. [1501], where added as a note, is typically that of the first (or only) published edition of the work, and thus not necessarily that of the edition in Gresshop's library. Many of the books went through multiple print runs and it is not known of course which edition was in Gresshop's collection. The links to digitised editions of the books are likewise not necessarily the same edition as was in Gresshop's library. In all cases, links are provided to an edition published prior to the inventory being taken in 1580. For an ancient work (e.g. classical Greek or Roman) of which there will be many editions by different publishers, the date noted is that of the example edition linked to.

[The inventory:]


[fo. 169]


The apprisement of suche goodes as were late Mr John Greshops schoolemaister at Caunterburie 2 deceased made the xxiiith of february 1579 [1580] R. R. Eliz. 22. By Mr. Thomas Swifte Mr Will. Browne ministers of the saide churche, Mr John Marden singinge man, and [William] Faunt singing man.

Goodes in the great chamber where he died.

A joined bedstedell wth head and tester of wainescot wth a rope and a mat—xij s.

A fetherbed, a Boulster, and a pillowe—xxx s.

An oulde matteris there prised at—ij s vj d.


[The full list of Gresshop's household goods is not reproduced here.56 The final entries relating to the house's furniture are as follows, after which comes the list of Gresshop's books in which we are most interested.]

[fo. 170v]

In Buls chamber

A little olde fetherbed and an olde flocke boulster—x s.

A truckle bed an a mat—ij s. vj d.

A table wt trestells—vj d.

An olde foorme—iiij d.

Summa totalis xxviijli iiij s. v

Thomas Swyfte

William Browne

[fo. 171]

In the upper study by the schoole doore

(In primis in the windowe bookes—xxxvi

Item upon the east shelve bookes—Cxiiii

Item upon a hie shelve westward bookes—xxviii

Item upon a shelfe under that bookes—xxxvi)

Viz. Libri in folio

Brentius in Osea [1531], una cum Buceri libro de regno christi [1557] —iii s. iiii d.

Concordantiae Zisti Graeca—ii s.

Hofman de paenitentia—iiii s. [Christoph Hofmann, 1540]

Tabulae locorum [] Philippi Melancthonis—ii s. vi d. [Johannes Nysaeus, 1560]

Roffensis [] contra Lutherum—ii s. [1525]

Philippus presbiter in Jobu—xii d. [Published by Johannes Sichardus, 1527]

Biblia [] pagnini—ii s. vi d. [1528 | Wikipedia]

A page from the Bible of Santes Pagnino (Lyon, 1528)
Image: The first page of the book of Genesis from the Biblia (Lyon, 1528), translated into Latin from original Greek and Hebrew sources by the Dominican monk and biblical scholar Santes Pagnino. This was the first printed bible with text divided into numbered verses.

Liber Charlaceus

Tomus tertius et 4tus et vtus operus Melancthonis—iii s. iiii d. [1541]

Commentarius in rhetorica [] Ciceronis—iii s. iiii d. [1551]

Commentarii Doleti vol 2 libri due—xs. [Vol I 1536 | Vol II 1538]

Urbani [] grammatica graeca—viii d. [1497]


Institutiones Juris Civilis graecae—xii d.

Demosthenis [] Epistolae [1554], pars thucididis, Comaediae Aristophanis uno vol graeca—postilla pervetus

Opuscula quaedam Lutheri, Calvini, Bullingeri, Gualteri uno volumine in quarto—x

Claudius Sissellus de providentia—vi d. [1520]

Martir de Eucharistia—iiii d. [1549]

Martir in Epistolam ad Corinthios—iii s. [1551]

Casninus in Galatas—viii d.

Victoria papatus—xii d.

Calvinus in psalmos—xx d [1557]

Oecolampadius in Danielem—x d. [1530]

Retmanius de Justificatione—iii d

An Answere to the Crosse Anglice—x d. [James Calfhill, 1565 | EEBO text] 3

And Englishe booke for the government of women alias the harborow etc.—iiii d. [John Aylmer, 1559 | EEBO text]

Title page of An Harborowe For Faithfull and Trewe Subiectes by John Aylmer (London, 1559)
Title page: An Harborowe For Faithfull and Trewe Subiectes, agaynst the late blowne Blaste, concerninge the Gouernment of Wemen by John Aylmer (London, 1559) [Image: Middle Temple Library]. Aylmer wrote his defence of female monarchs whilst in exile, in response to John Knox's pamphlet of the previous year, First Blast of the Trumpet against the Monstruous Regiment of Women.

Lanaeterus in Josnan - xii d.


Petrus Lombardus—vi d. [Likely Libri Quattuor Sententiarum, e.g. 1576 | Wikipedia]

Liber Digestorum—viii d. 4

Opera quaedam minuta Augustini—iiii d.

Zodiacus vitae Anglice—vi d. [Palingenius | Transl. Barnabe Googe, 1565]

Bezae [] Epistolae [1573]

Liber vetus hieromini vidae de poetica—1 d.

Martir de Caelibatu et voti—12 d. [1559]

Lutherus in Ecclesiasten—4 d. [1532 | Transl. 1573: EEBO text]

[fo. 171v]

Wolfgangus Capito de Missa et iure magistratus—6 d. [1537]

Ecclesiasticae disciplinae liber—4 d. [Walter Travers, 1574 | Transl. Thomas Cartwright, 1574: EEBO text]

Sturmii [] prolegomena—4 d. [1541]

Pii poetae uno volumine—4 d. [1540]

Lutherus in 7 caput prioris ad Corinthios—4 d.

Carmina phocilidis graecco latina—2 d.

An English booke of divinity Commen places—4 d. [Wolfgang Musculus, 1563]

Catechesis Christiana—2 d. [Mattheus Galenus & Andrieu Du Crocquet, 1574]

De linguae graecae pronunciatione liber—3 d. [Thomas Smith, 1568]

Ars loquendi et tacendi [] Knanstino Autore—2 d. [1566] 5

Title page: Dido by Heinrich Knaust (Frankfurt am Main, 1566)
Title page: Dido. Tragoedia de Fuga at Hospitio Aeneae Troiani (Frankfurt am Main, 1566) was a published play written for schools by Heinrich Knaust, another of whose works, Ars Loquendi et Tacendi, was to be found in Gresshop's library.

A viewe of mans estate englishe—2 d. [Andrew Kingsmill, 1574]

A Catechisme Englishe—1 d.

Nowels Catechismes two in Latin [1570], one in Englishe [Transl. Thomas Norton, 1570]

Portius de ponderibus et mensuris—1 d. [Leonardo de Portis, 1514]

the Sickmans salve—6 d. [Thomas Becon, 1561] 6

Melancthon de renovatione Ecclesiasticae disciplinae cum caeteris—6 d.

Liber de vitae et obitu Buceri Carro authore—6 d. 7

Prima pars Biblioni graece et Secunda graece, item at tertia—3 s. 4 d.

A faithfulll admonicion made by Knokes—2 d. [1554]

Varia poemata quorundam veteris de corrupto Ecclesiae statu—6 d. [Ed. Matthias Flacius Illyricus, 1557]

Liber psalmorum Davidis cum Annotationibus Stephani[1546]

Gregorius Nissenus de opificio hominis [1567], cum opellis Ignatii—12 d.

Boetii [] Consolatio—14 d. [1523 | Wikipedia]

Epistolae [] Calvini duae—6 d. [1537]

Catechismus [] Calvini—2 d. [1538]

Beconus et Bertramus de Caena domini uno volumine—8 d. 8

The Anatomie of the Masse—4 d. 9

De religionis Conservatione, et de primatu magistratuum [] Laurentio humfredo autore— [1559]

Pandectae Scripturarum—6 d. [Otto Brunfels, 1527]

Oecolampadius in Mathaeu—6 d.

Oecolampadius in Joanni—6 d.

De compescendis animi affectibus [] Aloisius Luisinus—3 d. [1562]

Oecolampadius in Genesiu—5d.

Opera Erasmi quadam uno volumine—4 d. 10

Dionisius Carthusianus in Luca—5 d.

Ecclesiastes [] Erasmi[1535 | Wikipedia]

Title page of The Works of Lucian of Samosata (Frankfurt, 1543)
Title page: Extant Works of Lucian of Samosata (Frankfurt, 1543). Lucian was a 2nd Century writer born in Roman Syria who wrote in Greek, noted for his satirical dialogues. Erasmus, Thomas More and others edited his Dialogues, of which many editions were published during the 16th century, with two editions of his Dialogi listed in Gresshop's library (here and here). Excerpt Dialogue: Perhaps the schoolboy Marlowe read one of these editions in the King's School library. The excerpt shown is from Lucian's Dialogues of the Dead, a dialogue between the Cynic satirist Menippus and Mercury (in this Latin text; Hermes in the original Greek). The pair discuss the great beauties from Greek mythology whose bones and skulls lie nearby, in particular Helen of Troy. Mercury identifies the skull of Helen, and Menippus says "Et huius scilicet offis gratia, mille naves ex universa Graecia, acto delectu, sunt impletae, tantac tum Graecorum, tum Barbarorum multitudo conflixit, tot urbes sunt eversaes." (And for this a thousand ships carried warriors from every part of Greece; Greeks and barbarians were slain, and cities made desolate). This of course is the source for one of Marlowe's most famous lines in Doctor Faustus, when Faustus has Helen appear and asks "Was this the face that la(u)ncht a thousand shippes? "

Sententia [] prosperi—8 d. [1524]

Virelus upon the Lordes Praier in Englishe—6 d. 11

Liber de differentia Ecclesiasticae et regalis potestatis—4 d. [Edward Foxe, 1534]

Apologia [] Erasmi adversus quosdam Monachos— [1528]

Herman Archbishop of Colenia in Englishe—6 d. [1547]

Peregrinatio Belgica—6 d.

[fo. 172]

Oecolampadius in 4 minores prophetas—6 d.

historia ecclesiastica [] Eusebii Latine—3 d. [1533 | Wikipedia]

Silva Bibliorum Hominis—6 d.

Oecolampadius in haebraeos—4 d. [1534]

Trahern Upon the Apocalipse Englishe— 12

fabritius in Abacuc [?] et prophetas minores —12 d. 13

Artopaeus in Genesiu—4 d. [1546]

Opera Cypriani aliquot 2 vol—16 d. [Volumes I | II, 1537]

Ratio perveniendi at veram theol. [] Erasmo autore—6 d. [1523]

Lutherus [] de servo arbitrio cum aliis—6 d. [1525 | Wikipedia]

Pomeranus in Epistolas Pauli—4 d. [1524]

The reliques of Rome[Thomas Becon, 1563 | EEBO text]

Pandectes of the evangelical Law made by pannel English—6 d. [1553 | EEBO text]

Colonienses adversus Melancthonem et aliorum—5 d.

Anthologicon, id est florilegium graecorum aliquot—6 d. [Joannes Stobaeus, 1536]

Synesii [] Epistolae—6 d. [1558]

Bezae [] poemata—6 d. [1569]

Lavaterus [] de spectris—6 d. [1569 | Transl. Robert Harrison, 1572: EEBO text | BL]

Olaus magnus de gentibus Septentrionalibus—8 d. [1555 | Wikipedia]

Catechismus ex decreto Concilii Tridentii—6 d. [1566 | Wikipedia]

hemmingius de superstitionibus vitandis—4 d. [1575]

Title page of Admonitio de Superstitionibus Magicis Vitandis by Niels Hemmingsen (Copenhagen, 1575)
Title page: Admonitio de Superstitionibus Magicis Vitandis (A Warning to Avoid Magical Superstitions) by Niels Hemmingsen (Copenhagen, 1575). Hemmingsen (1513-1600), a Danish Lutheran pastor and University of Copenhagen professor, wrote this widely published treatise warning against practising witchcraft and other forms of sorcery. Later in March 1590, he met James VI and the pair discussed theological matters, as the Scottish monarch travelled through Scandanavia following his wedding to Anne of Denmark in Oslo the previous November. Sailing back to Scotland the newly-weds' ship was beset by storms, an occurrence soon blamed on witchcraft in Denmark. James' interest was piqued: he attended the North Berwick Witch Trials as judge that same year, inspiring him some years later to write and publish Daemonologie (Edinburgh, 1597 | EEBO text).

Sermones aliquot Oecolampadii—3 d.

Catechismus Carnuti—

A sermon of Porders Englishe—3 d [Richard Porder, 1570 | EEBO text]

Jewel [] against [] Cole[1560]

Peter Viret [] Englished by Shute[1565 | EEBO text]

Nowels [] Catechisme in Englishe 2 of them— [1570]

Doctor Smithes [] unwritten Verities—2 d. [1547] 14

Stephen Gardiners [] devels sophistry—o [1546]

Perrins sermons Englishe—2 d.

Aliquot orationes [] demosthenis conversae a Carro Anglo—6 d. [1571]

Wittingham of obedience to superior powers—2 d. 15

A treatise for ministers apparrel Englishe—4 d. 16

Marsilius ficinus de Christiana religione—6 d. [1559]

Methodus Confessionis—3 d. [Claude de Viexmont, 1532]

Danaeus de beneficis—17

Knoxe upon praedestinacion—4 d. [1560 | EEBO text]

Confessio Saxonicarum Ecclesiarum—2 d. [Philip Melanchthon, 1552]

Quaestiones pueriles [] Joannis Agricolae—2 d. [1541]

Catechismus Anglicus autore Anonumo—2 d.

Liber de Commuratione Scoticae reginae—

Cranmers [] Confutacion of unwritten verities—4 d. [1556; see also footnote 14]

[fo. 172v]

Sillogisticon [] foxii—3 d. [1563]

The Christian state of matrimonie Englishe—1 d. [Heinrich Bullinger, 1543]

of obedience of Subjectes Englishe—2 d. 18

An Englishe booke of the disclosing of the greate bull—1 d. [Thomas Norton, 1570]

A booke of Songes and Sonnettes Englishe—1 d [Published by Richard Tottel, 1557 | EEBO text | Wikipedia]

A poem from Songes and Sonnettes published by Richard Tottel (London, 1557)
Poem: The Aged Louer Renounceth Loue as it appeared in the hugely popular anthology of English poetry, Songes and Sonettes (London, 1557), commonly called Tottel's Miscellany after its publisher, which had already gone through eight editions by the time of Gresshop's demise. Just over half of the 271 poems are posthumously attributed to Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey (c.1517-47) and Sir Thomas Wyatt (1503-42), both friends heavily influenced by Italian poetry, the former creating the English sonnet form used by Shakespeare and others. Although this particular poem is credited to an "uncertaine author", it is in fact by Thomas, 2nd Baron Vaux (1509-56), with stanzas 1, 3 and 8 sung in slightly corrupted form by the grave-digger in Hamlet (V.i.61-95). Shakespeare also has the foolish Abraham Slender rue "I had rather then forty shillings I had my booke of Songs and Sonnets heere" in the Merry Wives of Windsor (I.i.193-4).

The philosopher of the Court in Englishe—2 d. [Le Philosophe de Court by Philbert of Vienne (Lyon, 1547), transl. George North, 1575]

Confessio Ecclesiarum helveticarum—4 d. [Confessio Helvetica prior (1536); Confessio Helvetica posterior, (1566)]

An Invective ageinst treason in Englishe—1 d. [Richard Morrison, 1539 | EEBO text]

Epistola Lutheri [] contra Sabbatharios—1 d. [1538]

The benefit of Christes death in Englishe—1d. ob [Tranlated by Arthur Golding, 1573] 19

Goughes [] answere ageinst fecknam[1570 | EEBO text]

Norton’s admonicion to the Queenes subjectes—1 d. [1569]

An Admonicion in Scottishe— [George Buchanan, 1571 | EEBO text]

Against the use of Popishe garments in the Church—1 d. [Robert Crowley, 1566]

A politicke discourse—

An Informacion to the parliament englishe—ob [Robert Crowley, 1548]

Luciani dialogi aliquot—viii d. [Lucian of Samosata, Erasmus, Nicolas Buscoducensi, 1521]

Fentons [] discourse of the Warres in France—2 d. [1570] 20

An Englishe Catechisme—

Bonners Dirige—1 d. [Lemeke Avale, 1569 | EEBO text] 21

A sermon of Deringes—1 d. [1570] 22

An Englishe Catechisme—2 d.

Quaestiones [] Bezae—3 d. [1571] 23

A Sermon D fulcke[1571 | EEBO text] 24

A warning ageinst papists—1 d. [Thomas Norton, 1569]

Calvinus de Praedestinatione—3 d. [1552]

A Sermon of Bradfordes—1 d. [1553]

Tragical discourses by the L Buckhurst[1559 | EEBO text | Wikipedia] 25

Title page of A Myrrour for Magistrates (London, 1563)
Title page: A Myrrour for Magistrates (London, 1563), the edition in which the two contributions by Thomas Sackville, Lord Buckhurst first appeared: The Indvction and The Complaynt of Henry Duke of Buckingham.

The fall of the Late Arrian—2 d. [John Proctour, 1549] 26

Vincentius Livinensis de Antiquitate fidei Cath —2 d. [1541]

Vives de Anima Libri tres—16 d. [1538]

Macrobii [] opera—8 d. [1515]

Aristoteles [] de mundo—4 d. [1553]

Lexicon graecolatinum Ciceronianum—8 d. [Henri Estienne, 1557]

Institutiones fricksii Medicinales—10 d. 27

Gazae [] Grammatica Graeca—4 d. [1495]

Syntaxis linguae graecae [] Varennio authore—4 d. [1532]

Demosthenis et Aeschinis [] orationes contrariae—8 d. [Johannes Sturm, 1550]

Marcellus de proprietate linguae latinae—12 d. [1565]

Marsilii ficini opuscula—vi d. [Vols I & II, 1576]

[fo. 173]

Albertus magnus [] de formatione hominis—1 d. [1538]

Luciani [] dialogi Latini facti—8 d. [1576]

Digestorum liber secundus—8 d. [Justinian, e.g. 1569 | Wikipedia]

Hesiodus [] Graecolatinus—6 d. [Georg Henisch, 1580]

Budaei [] Annotationes in Pandectas—6 d. [1508]

Lingua [] Erasmi—6 d. [1525]

Adrianus Cardinalis de Sermone Latino—3 d. [1513]

Platinae [] dialogus de falso et vero bono—2 d. [1465]

Some of Zenophon translated into Englishe—4 d.

Vives [] de Lingua Latina—2 d. [1538]

Polibius [] in Englishe—4 d. [1568]

Vives [] de disciplinis—12 d. [1531]

Title page of De Disciplinis by Author (Cologne, 1532)
Title page: De Disciplinis by Juan Luis Vives (Cologne, 1532). One of four books by Vives in Gresshop's library, De Disciplinis was the brilliant Spanish-born humanist scholar's treatise on education, in which he set out his vision for a more rational program of teaching. Vives, the "father of modern empirical psychology" (Foster Watson, 1916), proposed that teachers should be paid by the state, and should tailor educational programs for individual pupils: "observe the child and adapt your aims and methods to his needs". Vives (1493-1540) had left Spain at the age of 16, and spent half of each year in England from 1523 whilst tutoring Princess Mary. He was much admired by both Erasmus and Thomas More, and lived at More's house in Chelsea before leaving permanently for Bruges in 1528 having fallen out of favour for disagreeing with Henry VIII's annulment of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon.

De ratione studii puerilis—6 d. [Juan Luis Vives, 1523]

Erotemata rhetorica [] Jodoci—8 d. [1555]

Sabellicus [] de moribus gentium[1541]

Poema [] Alcimi—2 d. [1545]

Balduinus de Constantino Magno—20 d. [1556]

Caelius Secundus [] de Artificio Disserendi—4 d. [1547]

Sebastianus forius de historiae institutione—4 d. [1557]

Aristoteles [] de arte rhetorica graece—2 d. [1546 | Wikipedia]

Histora Sacramentaria de Caena—8 d.

Phocilidis [] Poema ἐλληνικον—2 d. [1539; "Greek"]

Nominis in Evangelium Joannis—3 d.

Alciattus [] de quinque pedum praescriptione—3 d. [1529]

Aristophanis [] Ειρηνή graece—2 d. ["Peace"]

Item thre Paper bookes—

Demosthenes [] Προς Λεπτινην—1 d. ["Against Leptines"]

bookes in decimo sexto

herodianus [] graece—4 d [1542]

Cominei [] historia—8 d. [1525] 28

Bellum grammaticale—1 d. 29

Galeni de Compositione pharmacorum—8 d. [1549]

Ilias [] homerii graece—6 d. [1551 | Wikipedia]

Title page of Homer's Iliad (Strasbourg, 1572)
Title page: The Iliad by Homer (Strasbourg, 1572), an edition containing the epic poem in both Latin and Greek. Helen of Troy and Aeneas are both significant characters in the Iliad, but Marlowe's primary source for Dido, Queen of Carthage was Virgil's Aeneid.

Petrus Crinitus—12 d. [De Honesta Disciplina, 1504]

Methodus medendi [] Galeno authore—10 d. [1545 | Transl. Thomas Gale, 1566: EEBO text]

Biel de Canone Missae—3 d. [1499]

Pentateuchus Moisis—4 d. [1542]

Catechismus [] Calvini Graecolatinus—4 d. [1575]

Gribaldus de ratione studendi—6 d [1541]

Contemplationes [] Idiotae—2 d. [1519]

Problemata [] Arist.—4 d. [1548]

Fenestella [] de Magistratibus—8 d. [1475]

[fo. 173v]

Knoxes Epistles—1 d.

Compendium theologicae veritatis—o [Hugh Ripelin of Strasburg, 1473] 30

Ovid [] de tristibus Englishe—2 d [Transl. Thomas Churchyard, 1572 | Wikipedia]

Nowels [] Catechismes in numbr v—12 d. [1570]

Plate and other things of the said Mr Greshops

Inprimus a pot of silver and gilt with a covir waying ix ounz one quarter at iii s ix d the ounce—xliiii s viii d

Item iii silver spones waying iiii ounces and a quarter—xx s. vi d.

Item a bosse of a gyrdle and a whistle ii ounces almos—ix s. vi d.

Item two gold Rings half an ounce—i s.

Sum of the plat—vi li. iiii s. viii d.

[fo. 174]

In the lower study

in folio

Imprimis [] Plato Latine—ii s. [1550]

Opera [] Petrarchi—vi s. [1554]

Scotus in 4um Sententiarum—viii d. [1580 | Commentary on Sentences by Peter Lombard (c.1150)]

Officia Ciceronis cum Commentario— 31

Munsteri [] Cosmographia—iiii s. [1544]

Europa Regina from Cosmographia by Sebastian Münster (Basel, 1570)
Map: Europa Regina, symbolising a Habsburg-dominated Europe from the 1570 edition of Cosmographia (Basel, 1570) by Sebastian Münster.

Thesaurus Ciceronis—vi s viii d. [Published by Carolus Stephanus, 1556]

Annotationes Erasmi in novum testamentum—iiii s. [1516 | Wikipedia]

Fabians [] Chronicle—iii s. [1516]

Biblia Latine—iii s. iiii d.

Biblia [] Castalionis—iiii s. [1551]

Martir in Judicum, et Samuelem—vi s. viii d. [1561, 1564]

Concordantiae Bibliorum—xii d. [Published by Robertus Stephanus, 1555]

Martir in Rom. Anglici—iii s iiii d. [1558 | Transl. Henry Billingsley, 1568: EEBO text]

Flores historiarum—iiii s. [Matthew Paris et al, 1570 | Wikipedia]

Familiares Epistolae [] Ciceronis cum Commentario—iis. vi d. [1545 | Wikipedia]

Chaucer—ii s. [Geoffrey Chaucer, 1542]

Boccatius de genealogia Deorum—ii s. [1472 | Wikipedia]

Loci Communes [] Martiris—v s. [Compiled by Robert le Maçon, 1576]

Galenus [] de temperamentis cum aliis—ii s. [1558]

A Geneva Bible—v s. [1560 | EEBO text | Wikipedia]

Virgilius cum Commentario—ii s. [e.g. Bucolica Virgilii, 1538]

Jewesl [sic] Defence of the Apologie—iiii s. [1566 | EEBO text]

Ovidii [] Metamorphosis cum Commentario—viii d. [1543 | Wikipedia] 32

In quarto

Grammatica [] Clenardi cum annnot. Antesignani—xii d. [1554]

Lavaterus in proverbia—xx d. [1562]

Foxius in Osorium[1577] 33

Aschams [] Schoolemaster—iiii d [1570 | EEBO text]

Title page of The Scholemaster by Roger Ascham (London, 1571)
Title page: The Scholemaster by Roger Ascham (London, 1571). Ascham (1515-68) was most notably tutor to the future Elizabeth I from 1548-50. This work was inspired by Richard Sackville recounting to Ascham how a harsh schoolmaster had by his brutality "draue me [to hate learninge], with feare of beating, from all loue of learninge". Ascham's work, published posthumously, was intended for those teaching Latin to "youth in [g]entlemen and noble mens houses" and advocated a teaching method based on gentle persuasion. One wonders if this book's presence in Gresshop's library influenced the masters at the King's School.

Camerarius et Alii in tusculanas quaest—xii d. [1538] 34

Dictionarium poeticum—xvi d. [Hermannus Torrentinus, 1498 | Editions]

Officia Ciceronis, cum diversorum Commentariis—xvi d. 31

Philo Judaeus in Decalogum—vi d. [1561]

Martir in Ethicam Arist.—ii s. [1563]

Valla de summo bono—viii d. [1512]

Langnettes [sic] Chronicles—xvi d. [Completed by Thomas Cooper, 1549 | EEBO text]

The Image of both Churches—iiii d. [John Bale, 1545 | EEBO text] 35

Psalterium Latinium—iiii d. [1561]

[fo. 174v]

Dionisius Carthusianus de orthodoxa fide—iiii d [Vols I & II, 1569]

Bibliand. de fatis Monarchiae Romanae[1553]

Alworthus [?] contra de visibilim Monarchiam Saunderi—iii d [Bartholomew Clerke, 1573] 36

Cartwrightes [] replie ageinst Whitegift—ii d [1573] 37

Higini historia—iiii d. 38

Aristophanes Graec.—vi d [e.g. Aristophanis Comoediae, 1547]

Arist. [] Politica [] Strabaeo tralatore—iiii d [1549]

Wilsons [] logick English—viii d [1551 | EEBO text]

Some bookes of Ovides Metam. English—ii d. [Transl. Arthur Golding, 1567: EEBO text | Wikipedia] 32

the praise of foly Englishe—ii d. [Erasmus, 1511 | Transl. Sir Thomas Chaloner, 1549: EEBO text]

Haddoni Opellae—iiii d. 39

A discourse of the affaires in Germany by Ascham—ii d. [1570 | EEBO text]

Liber Juris Canonici prima pars—xii d.

In octavo

Institutiones [] Calvini—ii s. vi d. [1536]

Title page of Institutio Christianae Religionis by John Calvin (Geneva, 1559)
Title page: Institutio Christianae Religionis by John Calvin (Geneva, 1559). A key precept of Calvinism was predestination, the belief that God predestined some people to be saved whilst others were predestined to eternal damnation. This was very much an under-lying theme of Marlowe's play Doctor Faustus: was his downfall his own doing, or was he predestined to be damned?

Plautus—xii d. [e.g. Plautus ed. Denis Lambin, 1576]

Grammatica Graeca [] Crusii—xx d. [1573]

Pii quidam poetae uno vol.—x d. [Pub. Johannes Oporinus, 1550]

Pars quarta [] Livii—vi d. [1568]

Diallacticon Sacramentarium Boquino autore—vi d. 40

Plutarchi quadam opuscula—viii d. [1530]

Terentius Cum Commentario—xii d. [1511]

Woodcut of a Roman Theatre from an edition of Terence's plays (1515)
Woodcut: "Coliseus Sive Theatrum" (Coliseum or Theatre) in an edition of plays by Terence with Five Commentaries (1515).

Sophiclis [] Tragaediae Latine—viii d. [1543]

Confessio [] Bezae, cum aliis—xii d. [1573]

Claudinaus [] poeta—xii d. [1534]

Locii Communes [] Joannis Manlii 41—xii d. [1562]

Facetia Bebetii [sic?] cum aliis—viii d. [Presumably Heinrich Bebel, 1506]

Facetia [] Brusonii—viii d. [1518]

A praesident for a prince—ii d. [Anthony Rush, 1566 | EEBO text] 42

Valentinus Erithraes de Conscribendis Epistolis—viii d. [1573]

Agrippa de vanitate Scientarium—vi d. [1527]

Apollinarius graecus in psalmos—vi d [1552]

Tusculanes Quaestions Englishe, wth the offices—vi d [Cicero | Transl. John Dolman, 1561]

Ovides [] Metamorphosis wth the pictures—viii d. [1563 | Wikipedia] 32

A page from Ovid's Metamorphoses by Johannes Spreng (Frankfurt, 1563)
Page: From Book I of the illustrated edition of Ovid's Metamorphoses with text by Johannes Spreng and woodcuts by Virgil Solis (Frankfurt, 1563). See the Ovid Illustrated website by Daniel Kinney & Elizabeth Styron, University of Virginia.

Syntaxis Languae graecae—iiii d [Johannes Varennius, 1532]

Linacri [] Grammatica—viii d [1512 | EEBO text]

Sophoclis [] Tragaediae graece—viii d. [1553]

[fo. 175]

Solinus [] polyhistor.—viii d. [1572]

A pretious perle, id est, an englishe booke so called—iii d. [Otto Werdmüller | Transl. Myles Coverdale, 1550]

Eliottes [] governor—vi d [1531]

Erasmus [] Enchiridion englishe—iii d. [1501; Transl. William Tyndale, 1533 | EEBO text | Wikipedia]

Castalionis [] Dialogi Sacri—xii d. [1542]

Catechismus [] Chytraei—iii d. [1554]

Physica, et Ethica [] valerii—iiii d. [1567]

De ratione discendae linguae Graecae—vi d. 43

Sadoletus [] de pueris instituendis—iiii d. [1538]

The new testament in Englishe—xii d.

Erotemata de Copia rerum et verborum, cum aliis—vi d. [Lucas Lossius, 1545]

Arithmetica [] Gemmae frisii—iiii d. [1540]

Processus Judiciarius [] Panormitani—ii d. [1502]

Aesopii [] fabulae—ii d. [1570]

Juvenalis—iii d. [e.g. Satyrae, 1557]

Orationes. 6. Isocratis sex exiguis sed distinctis vol—ii s. [1567]

Utopia [] Mori Latine—ii d. [1516]

A woodcut from Utopia by Thomas More (Basel, 1518)
Woodcut: VTOPIAE INSVLAE TABVLA (Map of the Island of Utopia) by Ambrosius Holbein in Utopia by Thomas More (Basel, 1518).

Theophil in evangelica—xii d. [1564]

Theoph. in Epistolas—xii d. [1564]

Homilae [] Bedae—viii d. [1534]

Cranmerus de Transubstantiatione—iiii d. [A Defence, 1550 | EEBO text]

Claris theologiae—iiii d.

Sermones de tempore—iiii d. 44

In decimo sexto

Fabritius de poetica—vi d [1566]

Flaminius in psalmos—viii d. [1546]

Novum testam. graece—viii d. [e.g. 1574]

Epistolae ad Atticus—xii d. [Cicero, 1544]

Epistolae familiares—vi d [Cicero, 1578]

Commentarii Caesaris—vi d. [Gaius Julius Caesar, 1578]

Flaminii [] paraph. in 30 psalmos cum aliis—iiij d. [1546]

tres lib. de vitis Imperatorium Romanorum—ii s. 45

Preces Sacrae—iiii d. [Peter Martyr Vermigli, 1564 | Transl. Charles Glemhan, 1569: EEBO text]

Officia Ciceronis et Terentius uno vol—xii d.

Testamentum graecis in duabus partibus—x d.

Frutisius de medendi—viii d. 46

Sibillina Oracula cum aliis—vi d. [Ed. Sebastian Castellio & Xystus Betuleius, 1546 | Wikipedia]

[fo. 175v]

Virgilius—viii d. [e.g. Pub. Virgilius Maro, 1558] 47

Manutii [] Epistolae—viii d. [1558]

Libri proph. omnium—vi d. 48

Palingenius—vi d. [Zodiacus Vitae, 1536]

Aulus Gellius—xii d. [Noctes Atticae, 1571]

Concordantiae biblioni et Canonum perexignae—ii d. [Johannes, Abbot of Nivelles, 1487]

Ephemerides Phialo—ii d. [Stephen Gosson, 1579 | EEBO text] 49

Title page of The Ephemerides of Phialo by Stephen Gosson (London, 1579)
Title page: The Ephemerides of Phialo by Stephen Gosson (London, 1579). Gosson (1554-1624) was born in Canterbury a decade before Marlowe, and also attended the King's School.

A Dispraise of the Courtiers Life—ii d. [Transl. Sir Francis Bryan, 1548] 50

A praeparacion to the Lordes Supper—i d. 51

A touche stone for this praesent time—i d. [Edward Hake, 1574]

Symbola [] Joannis Laezii—i d. [1560]

Vassaeus de Judicio Trinarum—i d. 52

Summa totalis Invm—xlvi li xii s. x d.


Priced by Mr John Hill Prebendarye 53 in ch[r]ists churche in Canterbury Frauncis Aldriche 54 and [Robert] Rose 55 the ii Martti 1579 [1580]


Besides the bookes above named there are of old rustie bookes about xviii


Monye found after his deathe

Inprimis a spurre royall and a frenshe crowne of the value of—xxi s.

Item in mylle sixepences and Edward twelvepenns—xix s. vi d.

Item in pence and thre halfe pence—xl s.

Item in ready sylver in the tawnye purse—iiii li ii s. xi d.

Item in an other purse—ii s. x d.

Summa Totalis viii li. vi s. iii d. 56
