The Will of John Marlowe
Jn the name of God, Amen, 1604 [1605]. the xxiiith day of January, J John Marlowe beeing sicke of body, but thankes be to Almightie God of good & perfect remembraunce, doe make constitute & ordeyne this my last Will & Testament in maner and forme following. ffirst J give & commend my soule into ye handes of Almightie God my maker & Redeemer, & my body to be buried in ye churchyeard of ye parish of St George within Canterbury. As touching my temporall goods my debts & funeralls dischardged & paid J give and bequeath wholy to my wyfe, Katherine whome J make my sole executrix. Jn witnesse whereof J John Marlowe have to this my last will & Testament set to my hand & seale ye day and yeere above written.
The marke of John Marlowe. [mark]
Jn the presence of us whose names are heere underwritten.
James Bissell ye writer hereof.
Vyncent Huffam
Thomas Plesyngton 2
- Note 1: KHLC = Kent History and Library Centre, Maidstone; see Probate Records of Canterbury (1396-1858) (PRC). Back to Text
- Note 2: Transcripts in [Tucker-Brooke-Life] Appendix V; [Urry-Canterbury] Appendix VI (A) pp133-134; [Kuriyama] Appendix p.234. Back to Text