
The Will of Katherine Marlowe

  • Date: 17 March 1605
  • Register Ref: KHLC PRC 17/54/2671
  • Original Ref: PRC/16/127/M/11

In ye name of god amen : J Katherine Marlowe widdowe of John Marlowe of Canterbury late deceased though sicke in bodye yet in perfect memorye J giue god thankes, doe ordayne this my last will and testament, written one the 17 of Marche, in the yeare of our lorde god 16052 in manner & forme as followethe.

ffirst J doe bequeathe my soule to god my sauiour, and redeemer, and my bodye to be buryed in ye Churcheyarde of St Georges in Canterburye neare where as my husbande John Marlowe was buryed.

J doe bequeathe vnto my daughter Margaret Jurden the greatest golde ringe.

J doe beequeathe vnto my daughter An Crauforde a golde ringe wch my daughter Cradwell hath wch J would haue her to surrender vp vnto her sister An. and an other siluer ringe.

J doe bequeathe vnto my daughter Doritye Cradwell, ye ringe wth ye double posye, she

J doe bequeathe vnto my daughter Jurden my cloathe stuffe gowne wch J weare euerye daye and my kirtle.

J doe bequeathe vnto my daughter Crauforde my best cloathe gowne and the cloathe that is lefte of ye same.

J doe beequeathe vnto my daughter Cradwell my cloathe gowne wch J did weare euerye daye.

J doe bequeathe vnto my daughter Jurden two one siluer spoones and vnto her eldest sonne John Jurden one greate siluer spoone, and vnto her yongest sonne William one of ye greatest siluer spoones of the sixe, and to Elsabethe Jurden, one spoone.

J doe bequeathe vnto my daughter An Crauforde one siluer spoone and to her sonne Anthonye one of ye greatest spoones, and to John an other of ye greatest siluer spoones, and vnto Elisabeth Crauforde one spoone.

I doe beequeathe vnto my daughter Dorytye Cradwell one siluer spoone and to her sonne John Cradwell on of the greatest siluer spoones.

J doe beequeathe vnto my daughter Jurden two cushions and vnto my daughter Crauforde 2 cushions of taffate, and to my daughter Cradwell two cushions.

J doe beequeathe my Christeninge linnen as the kearcher, the drinkinge dammaske napkin, a face cloathe, and a bearinge blanket to bee vsed equallye betweene them, and to serue to euerye of theire needs but if my daughter Jurden doe goe out of the towne, my daughter An Crauforde to haue the keepinge of the same Christeninge linnen.

J doe beequeathe to euerye one of them one tablecloathe, and the fourthe to goe for an odde sheete that he wch hath the odde sheete may haue ye table cloathe.

J doe bequeathe vnto euerye one of my daughters sixe paire of sheetes to bee chosse diuided equallye, and in steade of the sheete wch is taken awaye, there is one sheete tablecloathe added.

J doe bequeathe to euerye one of my daughters a dosen of napkins to be diuided equallye beecause some are better then other.

J doe beequeathe vnto my daughter Jurden three payre of pillowe coates, and to my daughter Crauforde three payre of pillowecoates, vnto my daughter Cradwell three payre of pillowe coates one payre of pillowecoates J doe bequeathe vnto Katherine Reue, and vnto Goodwife Morrice one pillowecoate.

I doe beequeathe vnto John Moore fortye shillinges, and the ioyne presse that standeth in the greate chamber where J lye.

J beequeathe vnto Mary May, my mayde my red petticoate, and a smocke,

I beequeathe vnto Goodwife Morrice my petticoate that I doe weare daylye and a smocke and a wastcoate.

J doe beequeathe vnto Goodwife Jurden fortye Shillinges.

J doe beequeathe vnto my daughter Cradwell twentye shillinges.

J doe would haue All these porcions to bee paied wthin one yeare after my deceasse.

J doe beequeathe vnto my sonne Crauforde all the rest of my goodes so payinge my debts and legacyes and excharginge my funeralls, whoome I doe make my whole executor of this my laste will and testamente.

Jn witnesse whereof J haue heerevnto set my hande and seale.

Wittnesses J those names yt are heere vnder written, and J Thomas Hudson. ye writer heereof.

The marke of Katherine Marlowe [mark]

The marke of [mark] Sarai Morrice.

The marke of [mark] Mary Maye.3
