Past Marlowe Infotainment

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This is an archive of past academic Conferences on Marlowe or related subjects that have all finished. The details and links may still be of interest.

Kingston Shakespeare Conference: Marlowe & Shakespeare - 2017

Marlowe & Shakespeare [2017]

  • Conference: Kingston Shakespeare Conference: Marlowe & Shakespeare
  • Dates: Friday 17 & Saturday 18 November 2017
  • Venue: Kingston Rose Theatre, 24-26 High Street, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 1HL. [Map & Directions]
  • Conference Focus: Marlowe and Shakespeare as colleagues and possible collaborators on plays performed at the original Elizabethan Rose playhouse.
  • Hosts: Kingston Shakespeare Seminar Series. Organiser: Prof Richard Wilson (Kingston University London)
  • Speakers: Gabriel Egan, Jean Howard, Charles Nicholl, Lois Potter, Robert Sawyer, Gary Taylor, Brian Vickers, Sir Stanley Wells, Frank Whately.
  • CfP: Proposals were invited for 25 minute presentations, or panels of presentations, on any aspect of the Bankside Rose, including its architecture, audiences, personnel, patrons, practices and repertoire; also on questions of Marlovian and early Shakespearean attribution, authorship, biography, influence, reputation and rivalry.
  • Registration: There is no charge to attend the conference, but delegates should register in advance for either or both days via the Marlowe & Shakespeare Conference Eventbrite Registration page.
  • Programme: The Conference Programme comprises two days: Day 1 will concentrate on Marlowe and Shakespeare at the Rose including lectures by Frank Whately, Charles Nicholl and Jean Howard, plus panels covering the Rose architecture, literary influence, Rose repertoire and performance practice. Day 2 will consider Marlowe and Shakespeare as Authors, including lectures by Gary Taylor and Brian Vickers, along with panels covering the history plays, orientalism, contemporary fictions, attribution, co-authorship, and performance. The conference will culminate with the 2017 Christopher Marlowe Lecture delivered by Robert Sawyer, for which people can register separately.
  • Summary: Opened in 2007 as a replica of its Elizabethan namesake, Kingston's Rose Theatre recently staged Trevor Nunn's production of The Wars of the Roses, and the focus of this conference is on Marlowe and Shakespeare as colleagues and possible collaborators on the original Rose playhouse performances of plays such as the early histories. Papers are therefore welcome on any aspect of the Bankside Rose, including its architecture, audiences, personnel, patrons, practices and repertoire, as well as on questions of Marlovian and early Shakespearean attribution, authorship, biography, influence, reputation and rivalry.
  • Website Links: Rose Playhouse on Bankside | Kingston Rose Theatre | Kingston Shakespeare Conference | KiSS.
University of Kent Conference: Shakespeare, Kent & Early Modern Drama - 2016

Shakespeare, Kent & Early Modern Drama [2016]

The International Christopher Marlowe Project Conference - 2015

International Marlowe [2015]

  • Conference: University of Exeter Conference: The International Christopher Marlowe Project
  • Dates: 07-08 September 2015.
  • Venue: University of Exeter. [Map & Directions]
  • Overview: A funded project based at the University of Exeter exploring the international dimension of the life and works of Marlowe, and culminating in a two-day conference in September 2015.
  • Organisers: Edward Paleit (AHRC Early Career Research Fellow) and Nora Williams (Project Facilitator)
  • Speakers: Keynote speech Marlowe's Seaborders given by Prof Alan Stewart (Columbia University, NY). Other speakers include Prof Rosanna Camerlingo, Jan Frans van Dijkhuizen, Prof Matthew Dimmock, Prof Roy Eriksen, Prof Lisa Hopkins, Chloe Houston, Georgina Lucas, Catherine Gimelli Martin, Simon May, Meadhbh O’Halloran, Prof Chloe Preedy, Cristiano Ragni, Kilian Schindler, Wanda Świątkowska, Barbara Wooding.
  • Schedule: A Conference Programme of speakers, panels and papers has been published.
  • Bursaries: Additional bursaries are available to post-graduate students. Application deadline is 10 August 2015.
  • Summary: The International Christopher Marlowe project is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK) and based at the University of Exeter. It explores the international dimension of the life and works of Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593), a writer chiefly known now for his vivid, sensual poetry, sensational stage-plays such as Tamburlaine, Doctor Faustus and The Jew of Malta, and a personal life rich in mystery and possible scandal. Specifically, it seeks to link Marlowe's work to 'European' (non-English) political thought and ideas developed or circulated during his lifetime. It concentrates on the two decades following 1572, the year of the St Bartholomew's Day Massacre of French Protestants by members of the Catholic Ligue. This event, dramatised by Marlowe in The Massacre at Paris, has been widely argued to change the character of early modern political thought, stimulating new ways of thinking about society, rulers, subjects, political selfhood and the state. The project has three lines of inquiry: the reception and circulation of European political ideas in England 1572-1593; the relationship between European political thought as received in England, Marlowe's poetry and drama, and the English political imagination; and the complex relationship between the world of political ideas and imaginative art forms such as poetry and drama.
  • Website Links: The International Christopher Marlowe Project at the University of Exeter: Research | Workshops | Twitter.