
Elizabethan Theatre

Ref Author Title Published Website Link
[BritDrama-Catalog] Martin Wiggins, Catherine Richardson British Drama 1533-1642: A Catalogue (9 Volumes) Oxford University Press, 2011-2018 OUP; Relevant to Marlowe see Volume II: 1567-1589 [GoogleBooks|Contents] and Volume III: 1590-1597 [GoogleBooks|Contents]
[Cambridge-RenDrama] Ed. A.R. Braunmuller, Michael Hattaway The Cambridge Companion to English Renaissance Drama Cambridge University Press 2003 (2nd edition) Cambridge UP | Contents
[Chambers-ElizStage] E.K. Chambers The Elizabethan Stage (4 Volumes) Oxford University Press, 1923 Project Gutenberg: Volumes I | II | III | IV | Contents
[Davies-Playhouse] Callan Davies What is a Playhouse? England at Play 1520-1620 Routledge 2023 Routledge
[Greg-Bibliography] W.W. Greg A Bibliography of the English Printed Drama to the Restoration (4 Volumes) London, 1939-59 Internet Archive: volume I | II | III | IV
[Gurr-ShakeStage] Andrew Gurr The Shakespearean Stage 1574-1642 Cambridge University Press 1992 Cambridge UP | Contents
[Gurr-Playgoing] Andrew Gurr Playgoing in Shakespeare's London Cambridge University Press 2004 (3rd edition) Cambridge UP | Contents
[Gurr-Admirals] Andrew Gurr Shakespeare's Opposites: The Admiral's Company 1594-1625 Cambridge University Press 2009 Cambridge UP | Contents
[Henslowe-Diary] Ed. R.A. Foakes Henslowe's Diary Cambridge University Press, 2002 (2nd edition). Cambridge UP | Contents
[MOLA-Rose] Julian Bowsher, Pat Millar The Rose and The Globe - Playhouses of Shakespeare's Bankside, Southwark: Excavations 1988-90 Museum of London Archaeology 2009 (Monograph 48) GoogleBooks
[Queens-Men] Scott McMillin, Sally-Beth MacLean The Queen's Men and their Plays Cambridge University Press 1998 Cambridge UP | Contents
[Revels-EngDrama3] J. Leeds Barroll, Alexander Leggatt, Ricrad Hosley, Alvin Kernan The Revels History of English Drama Volume III (1576-1613) Methuen, London 1975 GoogleBooks